Creating a high regional perception.
The Bavarian Center for Culture and Creative Industries (bayernkreativ) engaged Kaltwasser Kommunikation to organize, conduct and moderate its press conference this year. The occasion for this press conference was the presentation of the trend-setting report "2nd Report Cultural and Creative Industries in the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg" which examines the change in the cultural and creative industries (KuK) of the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg.
The central result: With its increasing overall economic significance and polycentric distribution across the entire region, the sector has developed into a driver of innovation. The detailed results such as the development of the eleven sub-markets and the KuK from 2009 to 2016 and the derivation for the future are at the centre of the press conference.
The goals:
A joint press release with a qualifying period for the protagonists from business and culture provided relevant background information for local and regional newspapers, television and radio stations as well as for business media. The detailed follow-up report on the website of bayernkreativ provides interested parties with all details about the press conference and the presented contents.
The classic press conference combined with digital elements: journalists on site had the additional opportunity to access a digital version via QR code. The 118-page report was also available five days before publication.
On the podium:
Philipp Nieberle, Managing Director of Kaltwasser Kommunikation and head of the Nuremberg office moderated the press conference. After the official part, the journalists had the opportunity to talk to the panellists and collect individual quotes.