bayernkreativ: regional press work

Regional press work

Establishment and expansion of press work for the Bavarian Centre for the Cultural and Creative Economy - 20 Bavarian locations in focus

All over Bavaria, the Bavarian Centre for the Cultural and Creative Economy (bayernkreativ) is the first point of contact in the cultural and creative economy for companies of all sizes. It is financed by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economy and Media, Energy and Technology and supported by Bayern Innovativ, the Bavarian Society for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer.

The cultural and creative economy is a diverse sector. It includes all people who are working within the cultural and creative spheres, the majority of which are market oriented and deal with producing creative goods and services. The cultural and creative economy is divided into eleven sub-markets, including, for example, architecture, art, book and press market, design economy or the software and games industry. In Bavaria, 1 in 13 companies is part of the cultural and creative economy. Economic location is, therefore, of great importance. 

The aim of bayernkreativ is to support freelancers, the self-employed and companies in the cultural and creative economy by helping them profit even more from their creative work. To attract attention to the Centre’s advice offers locally, we have developed ideas and concepts from Kaltwasser Kommunikation. The focus was on regional press work and expanding or extending contact with or to the stakeholders.

Agency service: Press and Public Relations - local/ regional media work at the 20 bayernkreativ locations and for various workshops and events throughout Bavaria, communications advice, copy services for online and print, and stakeholder management 


Your contact person

Andreas Schauerte
+49 911 530 63-117